Clitoraid NEWS Lottery in Italy earns Clitoraid over $1,100 (835 euros) in fundraising Clitoraid's actions around the world to support One Billion Rising 2013 Clitoraid's Head surgeon speaks at the Institute for Advanced Studies of Human Sexuality in San Francisco Pleasure waves at Clitoraid sponsored "Gender Free" Orgasm Workshop 'Adopt a Clitoris' Birthday Party Fundraising in Italy How to have a Gender-Free Orgasm - "The Art of Thinking Off" - Jan 30th 6-8PM hosted by the Las Vegas Erotic Heritage Museum Humanitarian charity Clitoraid stars at Las Vegas's 2013 Adult Entertainment Expo Exceptional 24th/25th November fundraising Pro-Clitoraid in Italy Clitoraid attended the Erotic Fair in Hasselt for the the second time In the Name of Tradition Go to page << 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 >> Back to news overview